
is the key to the success of new varieties Learn more about is the key to the success of new varieties

  • Creating value for the industrial chain is the key to the success of new varieties

    Creating value for the industrial chain is the key to the success of new varieties

    After Zhengdan 958 and Xianyu 335, two large varieties with excellent performance in China's main corn market, a number of new varieties with good performance have emerged in the Chinese market, but the new varieties may not be effectively transformed into productivity. It may not be able to be transformed into an enterprise.

    2016-03-20 For the industrial chain creation value is the key to the success of new varieties
  • The key to the success or failure of leech culture lies in technology.

    The key to the success or failure of leech culture lies in technology.

    Paddy field: sufficient water resources, good drainage and irrigation. Facilities: construction of ditches, dikes, anti-escape walls and inlets. Density: 8-1000 tails / mu, about 10 days before stocking, applying rotten organic fertilizer 300kg/ mu. Bait: regularly cast once every morning and evening, at the edge of shallow water

    2020-11-08 Leech breeding success or failure the key lies in the technology abstract paddy field
  • A New High quality Wheat Variety Emai 18 was successfully propagated in large area in Hubei Province.

    A New High quality Wheat Variety Emai 18 was successfully propagated in large area in Hubei Province.

    A new wheat variety "Emai 18", which is special for high quality, high yield, multi-resistance and early maturity, has been successfully bred in Hubei province. This variety fills the gap that there is no medium gluten wheat in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and won the first prize for scientific and technological progress in Hubei Province in 2005. According to Li Meifang, a breeder of "E Mai 18" and a researcher of Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences, "E Mai 18" is the first one in Hubei to use high quality (up to the national special wheat variety medium gluten standard), high yield (increase yield by 8.75%), multi-resistance (medium resistance to stripe rust and powdery mildew) and early maturity (

  • Successful breeding of Restorer Lines of late Japonica Hybrid Rice in the Yangtze River Basin

    Successful breeding of Restorer Lines of late Japonica Hybrid Rice in the Yangtze River Basin

    Through the efforts of experts from the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the restorer lines of late japonica hybrid rice in the Yangtze River Basin-Shenhui 254 and Shenhui 1 were successfully selected and utilized. The project was awarded as the first prize for scientific and technological progress by the Shanghai Municipal Government this year. The key to the application of late japonica hybrid rice in the Yangtze River Basin is to develop excellent late japonica restorer lines. This project uses indica-japonica subspecies intermediate materials as bridge parents, introduces indica rice restoration gene into late japonica rice varieties, and aggregates excellent and good bases of several high-quality parents by polymeric hybridization and systematic selection.

  • Key points of intensive cultivation and Management of Pleurotus eryngii

    Key points of intensive cultivation and Management of Pleurotus eryngii

    Pleurotus eryngii, also known as Pleurotus ostreatus, is named for its almond flavor and fleshy taste like abalone. It is a new variety of rare edible fungus successfully developed and cultivated in recent years and integrated with edible, medicinal and dietotherapy. There are many products of Pleurotus eryngii on the market.

    2020-11-08 Apricot abalone mushroom strengthening cultivation management key points apricot abalone
  • Key points of young Shatian pomelo tree management

    Key points of young Shatian pomelo tree management

    Key points of young Shatian pomelo tree management

  • Looking at the Food Security under the New normal from the bumper harvests in successive years

    Looking at the Food Security under the New normal from the bumper harvests in successive years

    According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics a few days ago, grain output this year has increased by 10.3 billion jin over the previous year. So far, China has achieved 11 consecutive increases in grain output since the founding of the people's Republic of China. Behind years of bumper harvests is the continuous improvement of the level of China's agricultural modernization. But it has to be

    2016-03-20 From year after year abundant watch new normal new normal down grain
  • Flowering and fruiting techniques of peach, apricot and plum in the same plant

    Flowering and fruiting techniques of peach, apricot and plum in the same plant

    In order to meet the needs of people to appreciate flowers and fruits, we used peach trees as rootstocks to graft early, middle and late ripening plums, apricots and peaches on the same tree. Through a 4-year experiment, we achieved a complete success, and achieved the formation of a certain crown and flowering in the same year. In the second year, there were 70-80 trees, the flowering period was about 45 days, the flowering period was about 25 days, and the fruit-hanging period was as long as 6 months. Not only can enjoy the flowers, but also can enjoy the fruit, at the same time edible, deeply loved by the broad masses. The key technologies are summarized as follows.

  • Key points of orchid conservation in October

    Key points of orchid conservation in October

    Key points of orchid conservation in October

  • Heilongjiang trial planting "Northeast strange rice" successfully began to be popularized to farmers in the province.

    Heilongjiang trial planting

    Sitting on a pile of bulging rice bags, Jin Yushi, a farmer in Xiangfang District, Harbin, was very pleased with the bumper harvest of 8 mu of "strange rice in Northeast China" he planted this year. This year, the yield of some rice producing areas in Heilongjiang Province has been reduced due to low temperature and low light. However, some rice growers who apply new technologies and new varieties are still able to achieve high yields. Among them, rice farmers Jin Yushi, Zhang Zibin and others obtained a good harvest by accepting the advice and guidance of scientific and technological personnel, introducing "strange rice in Northeast China" and applying biotechnology such as "three agents and two fertilizers".

  • "Suining" Rice Seeds are popular in Vietnam

    "Suining" Rice Seeds are popular in Vietnam

  • Implement the Eleventh Company of Grain in the 52nd Executive meeting of the State Council

    Implement the Eleventh Company of Grain in the 52nd Executive meeting of the State Council

    Implement the 52nd executive meeting of the State Council to increase the number of grain reserves in a row and speed up the construction of warehouses this year, China has greatly increased its summer grain production, realizing the 11th consecutive increase. According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on July 14, 2014, the country's total summer grain output was 273.19 billion jin. For some varieties

    2016-03-20 Implement implement the State Council the 52nd executive meeting spirit
  • nibble off the hard bones of agricultural product price reform

    nibble off the hard bones of agricultural product price reform

    nibble off the hard bones of agricultural product price reform

  • Analysis of the reasons for the low survival rate of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata

    Analysis of the reasons for the low survival rate of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata

    Gastrodia elata is a kind of valuable traditional Chinese medicine in China, and its cultivation area is expanding year by year. Due to the degradation of asexual reproduction varieties, low and unstable yield and declining quality, the commodity export is affected. At present, sexual crossbreeding is mostly used to solve the problem of degradation and yield reduction of Gastrodia elata varieties, but there is also a lack of proficiency in technology and a mixture of good and bad breeding, which limits the rapid development of Gastrodia elata. As a result, the more the products are developed, the higher the market price is, and the huge gains invested by the losers are very small, which greatly dampens the enthusiasm of farmers for development.

  • Cultivation and Propagation of Cymbidium how to raise it

    Cultivation and Propagation of Cymbidium how to raise it

    Cultivation and Propagation of Cymbidium how to raise it

  • Key points of management of snake melon cultivation

    Key points of management of snake melon cultivation

    Key points of management of snake melon cultivation

  • Practice and experience Summary of Edible Mushroom Technology Popularization in Qingyuan County

    Practice and experience Summary of Edible Mushroom Technology Popularization in Qingyuan County

    As a traditional pillar industry in Qingyuan County, edible fungus has the advantages of short cycle, quick effect and high ratio of input to output, which is of great significance to revitalize the rural economy in producing areas and accelerate the pace of farmers in poor mountainous areas to shake off poverty and become well-off. Strengthening the popularization of edible mushroom technology and speeding up the transformation of edible mushroom scientific and technological achievements are the prerequisites to ensure the healthy and orderly development of edible mushroom industry in our county. Based on the practice of technical popularization of edible fungi in recent years, the author summarized the successful experience of technical popularization of edible fungi in our county, which can be used as a reference for the majority of edible fungi.

  • Analysis on the effects and problems of the Development of Edible Mushroom Industry

    Analysis on the effects and problems of the Development of Edible Mushroom Industry

    First, the development of the current situation of edible fungus production is a new industry that all countries in the world attach great importance to development, and it is also an important industry in China's agricultural economy, and it is an advantage project for farmers to get rich. Yongchang County has a vast territory, superior natural conditions, sufficient labor resources, outstanding regional planting advantages, and has unique conditions for the development of off-season edible fungus production. In 2002, it was listed as a key characteristic industry by the county party committee and county government. after multi-investigation and demonstration by the county leaders and business departments, the county party committee and county in 2003

  • Technical Integration of High yield and High efficiency in Grain and Oil rotation in China

    Technical Integration of High yield and High efficiency in Grain and Oil rotation in China

    On May 29, the reporter learned from the on-the-spot meeting of the annual green high-yield and high-efficiency technology model of rape corn held in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, that through great cooperation in scientific research and tackling key problems, Chinese agricultural experts created a new annual green high-yield and high-efficiency technology model of rape corn, which opened successfully.

    2016-01-10 China grain and oil rotation realization high yield high efficiency technology integration
  • Chinese people's rice bowls must be in their own hands.

    Chinese people's rice bowls must be in their own hands.

    On January 10, the National Science and Technology Award Conference was held in the solemn Great Hall of the people. The achievement of "two-line hybrid rice technology research and application" obtained by our research team won the special prize for scientific and technological progress. General Secretary Xi Jinping said to me kindly when presenting the award.

    2016-03-20 China people rice bowls certainly end in their own hands January